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In accordance with the applicable regulations, all the operations are covered by a system approved by the public authorities. All data is encrypted, and our servers are hosted in a secure EU data center.
We put security and data protection as top priority in any technical and non-technical decisions. We are RTS and GDPR compliant which ensures our services with the latest and best practice security standards.
We use cryptographic protocols to ensure communication security and only identified clients IP addresses to communicate with our services. We use multiple levels of firewalls to protect customer information, without risk of interception by a third party.
Fintecture is a Payment Institution n°17248 authorized to provide payment services in France and in all the European Economic Area.
The company’s activity is Payment Services Directive 2 compliant. We apply bank security standards and are subject to the internal control procedures. The company is audited and supervised by the Financial Regulator.
As such, as our client, you benefit from all the regulatory guarantees, and you are covered by the consumer protection regulations.
App Store® and Apple Logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.